Dispatch Order

Dispatch Order


Orders can be dispatched with followings


  • Company Trip
  • Carrier Trip


Company Trip

For company trip user has to select a particular vehicle and its trip to Dispatch order with that selected trip


Carrier Trip

For Carrier Trip (Third party trip) user has to select carrier and it’s to Dispatch order with that carrier trip




Winlogistix  provides following set of features


  • Orders can be dispatched with single or multiple trips.
  • Each Pick and Drop can be selected as Trip inbound or Outbound
  • Orders can be dispatched with Local Trips or Inter State Trip.
  • Multiple Orders can be dispatched with single Trip
  • Orders can be removed from the Trip and assigned to new Trip
  • Order Details(Dispatch Sheet) can be printed
  • All the unplanned orders from last created on top are shown when user select trip to Dispatch order



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