Security Features

Security features in Winlogistix 



Importance of security  

Importance of data security for any business is very crucial. There are three main important matters concerning internet security 

  • Confidentiality                               
  • Availability                             
  • Integrity   


Security features

We take responsibilities of our customer's data and we provide security and reliability of their data through the following secure features of our software:  



Secure Socket Layer (SSL)

Information exchange between your browser and Winlogistix is protected with 256-bit encryption 



Strong Encryption 

Winlogistix uses strong encryption algorithm AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) for sensitive data like bank details and other confidential fields     



Data storage

Severs where your data is hosted are electronically and physically protected. Only authorized people can access the servers.




Your Winlogistix data is replicated across multiple database servers in two different Geographic locations to prevent any failure of data loss. Additionally, that data is backed up nightly to tape and stored in a secure off site location to ensure that, even in the event of a catastrophe like a Tornado or flood, your information will be safe and your records can be quickly restored.   


Bank account Masking  

Bank account numbers are masked so that your information is secured while you are using Winlogistix.