Hours of Service (USA)

Hours of Service (USA)


Hours of service (HOS) are rules and regulations issued by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) governing body for the working hours of anyone operating a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) in the United States for the purpose of transportation of goods from one U.S. state to another State. These rules are basically for the safety of truck driver which includes driving time, off duty time and minimum amount of time required for work shift. This includes truck drivers and bus drivers who operate Commercial Motor Vehicles in the United States. Winlogistix  currently provides services for calculating Commercial Motor vehicle Drivers Hours of Service carrying goods/property only.


What is a Commercial Motor Vehicle?


A commercial motor vehicle is a Truck, truck tractor, trailer or any combination of these with a registered gross vehicle weight of greater than 4,500Kg (10,000lbs)


Hours of Service Rules


Hours of service (HOS) rules for US are followings


11-Hour Driving Limit

Truck Driver can drive maximum of 11 hours after 10 consecutive hours off duty.


14-Hour Limit

Truck Driver can not drive beyond the 14th consecutive hour after coming on duty, following 10 consecutive hours off duty. Off-duty time does not extend the 14-hour period.


60/70-Hour On-Duty Limit

Truck Driver can not drive after 60/70 hours on duty in 7/8 consecutive days. A driver may restart a 7/8 consecutive day period after taking 34 or more consecutive hours off duty.


Sleeper Berth Provision

Drivers using the sleeper berth provision must take at least 8 consecutive hours in the sleeper berth, plus a separate 2 consecutive hours either in the sleeper berth, off duty, or any combination of the two.


Adverse Driving Condition Exception


If unexpected adverse driving conditions slow down, then truck driver can drive up to 2 extra hours to complete what could have been driven in normal conditions but they can not drive after 14th consecutive hours after coming on duty.






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