Multiple Reports

Multiple Reports in Winlogistix



Winlogistix provides multiple reports which can be categorized to followings


  • Carrier Data reports
  • Data entry review reports
  • Operational Data reports
  • Returns verification reports
  • IFTA returns reports


Carrier Data Reports


a) Unit Tax Report


This report shows Tax due or credit (Using IFTA formula) for vehicles on the basis of total traveled distance in Miles and Fuel used.



b) Unit WDT summary


This report shows vehicle's tax due for the selected quarter according to the tax calculation formula set for the following US states


  • Kentucky WDT
  • New Mexico WDT
  • New York HUT
  • Oregon HUT


c) Profit Expense


This report shows all the expenses and profit (Inflows and outflows) for a Vehicle selected for a year or Quarter or specific Date range.


d) Reporting Company History Report


This report shows each vehicle's reporting company history with time and date on it for a selected Quarter.


e) Vehicle Trip Data Report


This report shows fuel (Liters or Gallons) consumed and distance (Kms or Miles) traveled details in monthly or quarterly totals for company owned or owner operator vehicles.




Data Entry Reports

 a) Adjacent State error report


     This report shows the errors in trip mileage entry, which show states in consecutive rows are not adjacent to each other


b) Duplicate Fuel Entries


    This report shows if there are any duplicate entries for fuel purchase within a selected period of time. You can delete one of them also to remove duplicate entry


c) Mileage interruption report


    If odometer start reading for next trip is not same as end reading of previous trip than This report shows the gap between odometer end reading of previous trip and odometer start reading of next trip.


d) Operational Data


     This report shows operational data used in the company with the following fields


  • Total Number of Active Trucks
  • Total Number of Trucks Used
  • Total kilometers traveled in ONTARIO
  • Total kilometers traveled in the rest of Canada (Except ONTARIO)
  • Total kilometers traveled in the United States and Mexico
  • Total Number of Drivers


e) Business Partner Account


     This report shows the Business Partner and the Payment Method (On Trips basis or monthly) for a period of time. If the driver is not associated with an Owner Operator then cheque will be printed on driver’s name.


f) Reporting Company Trip Report


     This report shows all the trips and their report for selected vehicles (name and plat no.) and fuel type for reporting company.


g) Reporting Company Vehicle Report


     This report shows that if a vehicle within the selected date range has worked for a reporting company it lists the vehicle for the respective reporting company.


h) Odometer Verification Report

     This report shows the odometer start reading and end reading also first state exit reading and last state exit reading for a vehicle associated with trip number and the driver who is driving it.



Operational Data Reports



a) Distance / Fuel Detail Report


    This report shows distance (Kms or Miles) and fuel details (Liters or Gallons) for a single or all trucks with various options such as:


  • Within a date range
  • Within a jurisdiction
  • Fuel quantity , Type , units and amount         


b) Driver Trips report


     This report shows complete trip details for current quarter of operation for selected driver(s) or vehicles. Trip Details include


  • Trip No
  • Trip Status
  • Outbound date
  • Inbound date
  • Trip Expenses
  • Mileage for the trip (distance/fuel)
  • Reporting company


c) Fuel Cost Report


     This report shows cost of fuel and distance covered by a vehicle and also any expenses made like tolls or any other



d) Fuel Purchase Report

   This report shows fuel purchases for one or all vehicles within a selected date range for a trip per jurisdiction against an invoice number.


e) IRP Mileage Report


    This report shows the ratio of miles in one Jurisdiction to total miles in all states for each vehicle.



f) Jurisdiction Mileage report


    This report shows the total distance (Kms or Miles) in Canadian provinces or US states.


g) Vehicle Mileage Report


   This report shows the total number of Miles a vehicle traveled and its ratio with total number of fuel purchased


h) Vehicle Odometer Report


    This report shows vehicle odometer reading (beginning and ending) on the basis of their trip for a date range or quarter selected or for a whole year.


I) Vehicle Fuel Cost report

   This report shows total Fuel used and fuel cost for a Vehicle and ratio between Total Miles to Total Gallons and Amount to Total Miles.



Returns Verification Reports


a) Returns Matrix


    This report shows missing vehicle information and accordingly returns affected for the following states


  • Kentucky WDT
  • New Mexico WDT
  • New York HUT
  • Oregon HUT



b) Missing Trip Data


     This report shows important data of trip which is missing for a vehicle for example Fuel or Distance.        


c) Incorrect Fuel Purchase


   This report shows fuel purchase entry in which no vehicle has traveled and therefore these fuel entries are not included in returns calculations.



 IFTA Returns Reports

 a) IFTA 101


   This report shows IFTA tax return calculations matrix for selected vehicles and reporting company associated with them.


b) Kentucky Weight Distance Tax Report


  This report shows KENTUCKY WDT return calculation matrix for selected vehicles and reporting company associated with them.


c) New Mexico Weight Distance Tax Report


  This report shows NEW MEXICO WDT return calculations matrix for selected vehicles and reporting company associated with them.


d) New York Highway Use Tax Report


  This report shows NEW YORK HUT return calculations matrix for selected vehicles and reporting company associated with them.


e) Oregon Highway Use Tax Report

  This report shows OREGON HUT return calculations matrix for selected vehicles and reporting company associated with them.