Hours of Service (Canada)

Hours of Service (Canada)


Hours of service (HOS) Canada are rules and regulations which are based on the US hours of Service rules. These Hours of Service are made for the safety of truck drivers. The hours a commercial driver may be on duty are referred to as hours of service. The hours of service are determined by filling daily log book which is a grid showing how many hours in a day truck driver was on duty, off duty etc. Drivers must have to fill out Daily log book in order to avoid suspension/penalty. Winlogistix  currently provides services for calculating Commercial Motor vehicle Drivers Hours of Service carrying goods/property only.


What is a Commercial Motor Vehicle?


A commercial motor vehicle is a Truck, truck tractor, trailer or any combination of these with a registered gross vehicle weight of greater than 4,500Kg (10,000lbs)


Hours of Service Rules


Hours of service (HOS) rules for Canada are followings


Daily Rules

Daily rules applied to 24-hour period which should be specified by the motor carrier if other than midnight.


1) Regular Time (including use of sleeper berth):

  • Driver can not drive after 13 hours of driving.
  • Driver can not drive after 14 hours of on-duty.
  • At least 10 hours off-duty mandatory before the driver can drive.

(Which includes at least 8 consecutive hours and 2 additional hour’s off-duty in no less than 30 minute periods that do not form part of the 8 consecutive hours).


2) Deferred Time: (e.g. heavy fog, snow etc)

  • Driver can move 2 hours of required off-duty time to second day
  • Total driving time in 2 days should not be more than 26 hours;
  • Total off-duty time in 2 days should not be less than 20 hours;
  • At least 8 consecutive hour’s off-duty is required in Day 1 and 10 consecutive hours plus 2 additional hours’ off-duty in Day 2.


Work Shift Rules



Work shift is a period between end of one period of 8-hours or more off-duty and start of next period of 8 hours or more off-duty


1) No sleeper berth used:

• Driver can not drive after 13 hours of driving;

• Driver can not drive after 14 hours of on-duty.

• Driver can not drive after 16 hours of elapsed time.

 (Elapsed time includes all time in work shift.)


2) Single driver using sleeper berth:

• Driver can not drive after 13 hours of driving on either side of eligible sleeper period.

• Driver can not drive after 14 hours of on-duty on either side of eligible sleeper period;

• Driver can not drive after 16 hours of elapsed time on either side of eligible sleeper period (excluding eligible time in sleeper).

(Eligible sleeper period is no less than 2 hours long and 2 consecutive sleeper periods total no less than 10 hours.)


3) Team drivers using sleeper berth:


• Drivers can not drive after 13 hours of driving on either side of each eligible sleeper period;

• Drivers can not after 14 hours of on-duty on either side of each eligible sleeper period;

• Drivers can not after 16 hours of elapsed time on either side of eligible sleeper period (excluding eligible time in sleeper time).

(Eligible sleeper period is no less than 4 hours long and 2 consecutive sleeper periods total no less than 8 hours.)




Cycle Rules

Cycle must be specified by the motor carrier before the start of driving. i.e. Cycle1 or Cycle 2




1) Cycle 1 (7 Days)

• Driver should not drive when its cumulative on-duty time is more than 70 hours in 7 consecutive days.

• Driver can drive after resetting cycle by taking at least 36 consecutive hour’s off-duty.

2) Cycle 2(14 Days)

• Driver should not drive when its cumulative on-duty time is more than 120 hours in any 14 consecutive days.

• Driver should not accumulate more than 70 hours at any time during the cycle without taking 24 consecutive hours off-duty.

• Driver can drive after resetting cycle by taking at least 72 consecutive hour’s off-duty.

Day Off:

• Driver should not drive without taking at least 24 consecutive hour’s off-duty in the preceding 14 days. (Regardless of day or cycle they are working).






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